Coffee roasters
"ACCURA" range: Industrial roasters for natural coffee
Classic technology, designed for traditional processes.

"ACCURA" Range: 210–420 kg coffee beans roasted per hour
Roasters for traditional green coffee beans of regular size, particularly suitable for single origins. Roasting by the natural method, with no additives. Production capacity of 210–420 kg coffee per hour, depending on roast parameters.
Technical Characteristics
- Capacity of 60–120 kg coffee per cycle. Roasting drum
- Drum roasting 210–420 kg coffee beans roasted per hour
- Furnace with electronic progressive gas or diesel burner; low emissions
- Covered or open circular cooler with dual aspiration system
- Chaff collector
- PLC control panel and SIEMENS/AB colour touch screen
- Optional green coffee preheating system
- Optional smoke afterburner with or without catalyst
Capacidad por tostado | Tiempo por ciclo | |
TNA-60 / ACCURA | 30-60 Kg por ciclo | 12- 20 minutos |
TNA-120 / ACCURA | 60-120 Kg por ciclo | 12- 20 minutos |
El tiempo de tostado de los tostadores gama ACCURA es de entre 12 a 20 minutos. Los tuestes cortos potencian la acidez del grano de café, mientras que los tiempos largos de tueste potencian el cuerpo del grano de café. Todos los tostadores admiten media carga o carga completa nominal, y el PLC corrige los tiempos y temperaturas de modo a homogeneizar los resultados de los perfiles de tueste.
- Homogeneous colour thanks to the method of heating the coffee bean using conduction (heat transfer from the roasting drum) and convection (heat transfer from hot air)
- Carbon steel or food grade stainless steel roasting drum with a variety of mixing paddles available in customised materials. Coffee moved evenly and carefully in the roasting drum to prevent damage to the bean.
- Degrees of roast, from light to dark, with the same capacity per cycle.
- Short and long roast times, with the same capacity per cycle.
- Weight loss depends on the moisture level in the green coffee bean, and can be compensated by the quenching system at the end of the roasting process.
- Rapid and careful cooling to prevent damage to the coffee bean
- Roasting and cooling cycles are synchronised and occur simultaneously
- Roasters equipped with evacuation cyclones for the chaff, which can be collected or burnt
Ahorro energético y respeto medioambiental en las emisiones atmosféricas, y desechos sólidos y líquidos.
- Potential to add a smoke afterburner with catalyst to both the roaster and cooler exhausts
- Installation of dust and solid particle filters to prevent emission to the exterior.
- Reducing emissions and complying with local, regional and national limits.
- Insulating heat sources in the roaster, smoke afterburner and exhausts.
Los equipos garantizan un alto grado de rendimiento y seguridad en su funcionamiento.
- Compliance with local safety regulations related to the machinery, products and staff operating the roaster
- Maintenance and repair protocol. Immediate availability of standard parts that affect machine safety; easy and economical maintenance.
- Quick and easy access to clean the roaster and replace worn parts.
- Temperature and air pressure sensors installed in roaster heat sources and air ducts, to control roaster heat balance and prevent overheating and heat venting.
- Automated fire prevention systems, water injectors and burner operation monitoring.