NM Range
Roasters for coffee
Range "NM": Mainly for roasted coffee

TTA Series/NM: Specialised range for torrefacto coffee; robust and reliable
A specialised range of roasters for torrefacto coffee, a process where the green coffee bean is roasted with sugar, and sometimes other additives.
Coffee is roasted in a drum with swinging motion and unperforated sides to ensure effective air flow and airtightness during product processing. The roaster components and drum are manufactured from food grade stainless steel.
The torrefacto coffee cooler has a single cooling cylinder.
Roasting capacity of 180–1,700 kg coffee per hour.
TTA Series/NM roasters can operate at half or full nominal load, at the same roasting temperature and producing the same roast profile. To achieve this, the PLC allows unlimited roast profiles that are automatically adjusted so they can be replicated exactly from one cycle to the next.
Heat is mainly transmitted by convection during operating stages where no sugar is present, and by conduction when sugar is added.
TTA Series/NM equipment operates with sugar levels of up to 33% in standard configuration and 75% for special technical characteristics.
Technical Characteristics
- Capacity of 60–560 kg coffee per cycle. Single roasting drum.
- 180–1,700 kg torrefacto coffee roasted per hour
- Furnace with electronic progressive gas or diesel burner; low emissions
- Cylinder cooler with chaff-removing agitator paddles
- Chaff collector
- PLC control panel and SIEMENS/AB colour touch screen
- Smoke afterburner with or without catalyst
Capacidad por tostado | Tiempo por ciclo | |
TTA-60 / NM | 30-60 Kg por ciclo | 20 - 35 minutos |
TTA-140 / NM | 70-140 Kg por ciclo | 20 - 35 minutos |
TTA-240 / NM | 120-240 Kg por ciclo | 20 - 35 minutos |
TTA-300 / NM | 150-300 Kg por ciclo | 20 - 35 minutos |
TTA-400 / NM | 200-400 Kg por ciclo | 20 - 35 minutos |
TTA-560 / NM | 280-560 Kg por ciclo | 20 - 35 minutos |
La gama TTA SERIES / NM está pensada para el tueste prácticamente exclusivo de café “torrefacto”, con varios porcentajes de azúcar añadido, y la posibilidad de añadir otros aditivos.
Roast time in TTA Series/NM range roasters is 20–35 minutes. Short roast times accentuate acidity in the coffee bean, and longer roasts promote body. The level of sugar added affects roast time: higher levels of added sugar require a longer roast. All roasters in the range can operate at half or full nominal load, and the PLC adjusts times and temperatures for a consistent roast profile.
- Homogeneous colour thanks to the method of heating the coffee bean, which is mainly convection (heat transfer from hot air) with some conduction (heat transfer from the roasting drum)
- Carbon steel or food grade stainless steel roasting drum with a variety of mixing paddles available in customised materials. Coffee moved evenly and carefully in the roasting drum to prevent damage to the bean. The roasting drum is hemispherical, which keeps all the ingredients that make up the torrefacto coffee inside the drum. Product is transferred into the cooler by tilting the drum towards the cooler.
- The door in the roasting drum can be opened at any stage of the roasting process to add ingredients and verify the production process.
- Degrees of roast, from light to dark, with the same capacity per cycle.
- Degrees of roast, from light to dark, with the same capacity per cycle
- Practically negligible weight loss, which can be compensated by the quenching system at the end of the roasting process
- Rapid and careful cooling to prevent damage to the coffee bean Cooler manufactured from stainless steel.
- Roasting and cooling cycles are synchronised and occur simultaneously
- Roasters are equipped with solid particle evacuation cyclones for the coffee cooler, hot air recirculation, electronic burners, and smoke afterburners with catalysts, for both the roaster and the cooler
The TTA SERIES/NM range is the best solution for specialised batches of torrefacto coffee. The design, development and manufacture of the TTA SERIES/NM range meet the most stringent robustness and reliability standards.
All components of the TTA SERIES/NM range are controlled by PLC, with SIEMENS or ROCKWELL HMI and local area or internet PC SCADA for remote access. Comprehensive user interface which is programmable, remotely accessible and customisable at all times
There is no limit to the number of recipes that can be stored by the control system, so the roasting process can be adapted to the various roasting profiles required by the production program
TTA SERIES/NM range software includes a product traceability system, which enables batch numbers and process quality to be managed.
Temperature curves and process parameters are visualised and stored in each roasting cycle
Los equipos garantizan el grado máximo de rendimiento y seguridad en su funcionamiento.
- Compliance with local safety regulations related to the machinery, products and staff operating the roaster Potential to update parameters in response to new regulations in the future
- Maintenance and repair protocol. Immediate availability of standard parts that affect machine safety. Maintenance time minimised Maintenance time minimised Downtime for maintenance: 30 minutes every 24-hour period of continuous operation.
- Quick and easy access to clean the roaster and replace worn parts.
- Temperature and air pressure sensors installed in roaster heat sources and air ducts, to control roaster heat balance and prevent overheating and heat venting.
- Automated fire prevention systems, water injectors and burner operation monitoring.
- Energy-saving devices including hot air recirculation, use of renewable energy sources, low-emission mixed electronic burners, catalysts and cleaning procedures using closed-loop water systems
Processing Specialistfor premium Coffee and Cocoa
MI Range
Coffee roasters
"MI" range: Dual production of natural and roasted coffee

MI Range: Roasting capacity of 420–1,700 kg coffee per hour
A specialised range of roasters for natural coffee and torrefacto, a process where the green coffee bean is roasted with sugar, and sometimes other additives. No sugar or additives are used in the production of natural coffee.
Coffee is roasted in a drum with swinging motion and unperforated sides to ensure effective air flow and airtightness during product processing. The roaster components and drum are manufactured from food grade stainless steel.
TTA Series/MI range roasters are equipped with two independent coolers: one for natural coffee and the other for torrefacto.
Roasting capacity of 420–1,700 kg coffee per hour.
TTA Series/MI roasters can operate at half or full nominal load, at the same roasting temperature and producing the same roast profile. To achieve this, the PLC allows unlimited roast profiles that are automatically adjusted so they can be replicated exactly from one cycle to the next.
Heat is mainly transmitted by convection during operating stages where no sugar is present, and by conduction when sugar is added.
TTA Series/MI equipment operates at sugar levels of up to 33% in standard configuration.
Technical Characteristics
- Capacity of 140–500 kg coffee per cycle. Single roasting drum.
- 420–1,700 kg torrefacto coffee roasted per hour
- Furnace with electronic progressive gas or diesel burner; low emissions
- Cylinder cooler with chaff-removing agitator paddles
- Circular cooler for torrefacto coffee
- Chaff collector
- PLC control panel and SIEMENS/AB colour touch screen
- Smoke afterburner with or without catalyst
Capacidad por tostado | Tiempo por ciclo | |
TTA-140 / MI | 70-140 Kg por ciclo | 15 - 35 minutos |
TTA-240 / MI | 120-240 Kg por ciclo | 15 - 35 minutos |
TTA-400 / MI | 200-400 Kg por ciclo | 15 - 35 minutos |
TTA-560 / MI | 280-560 Kg por ciclo | 15 - 35 minutos |
La gama TTA Series / MI está pensada para el tueste de café “torrefacto” y también de café natural, con varios porcentajes de azúcar añadido, y la posibilidad de añadir otros aditivos.
Roast time in TTA Series/MI range roasters is 15–35 minutes. Short roast times accentuate acidity in the coffee bean, and longer roasts promote body. The level of sugar added affects roast time: higher levels of added sugar require a longer roast. All roasters in the range can operate at half or full nominal load, and the PLC adjusts times and temperatures for a consistent roast profile.
- Homogeneous colour thanks to the method of heating the coffee bean, which is mainly convection (heat transfer from hot air) with some conduction (heat transfer from the roasting drum)
- Carbon steel or food grade stainless steel roasting drum with a variety of mixing paddles available in customised materials. Coffee moved evenly and carefully in the roasting drum to prevent damage to the bean. The roasting drum is hemispherical, which keeps all the ingredients that make up the torrefacto coffee inside the drum. Product is transferred into the cooler by tilting the drum towards the cooler.
- The door in the roasting drum can be opened at any stage of the roasting process to add ingredients and verify the production process.
- Degrees of roast, from light to dark, with the same capacity per cycle.
- Degrees of roast, from light to dark, with the same capacity per cycle
- Practically negligible weight loss, which can be compensated by the quenching system at the end of the roasting process
- Rapid and careful cooling to prevent damage to the coffee bean Coolers for both natural and torrefacto coffee are manufactured from stainless steel.
- Roasting and cooling cycles are synchronised and occur simultaneously
- Roasters are equipped with solid particle evacuation cyclones for the coffee cooler, hot air recirculation, electronic burners, and smoke afterburners with catalysts, for both the roaster and the cooler
The TTA SERIES/MI range is the best solution for mixed batches of torrefacto coffee. The design, development and manufacture of the TTA SERIES/MI range meet the most stringent robustness and reliability standards. They are the best solution when a single roaster is required for any type of coffee available on the market, providing practical and extremely functional solutions.
All components of the TTA SERIES/MI range are controlled by PLC, with SIEMENS or ROCKWELL HMI and local area or internet PC SCADA for remote access. Comprehensive user interface which is programmable, remotely accessible and customisable at all times
There is no limit to the number of recipes that can be stored by the control system, so the roasting process can be adapted to the various roasting profiles required by the production program
TTA SERIES/MI range software includes a product traceability system, which enables batch numbers and process quality to be managed.
Temperature curves and process parameters are visualised and stored in each roasting cycle
Los equipos garantizan el grado máximo de rendimiento y seguridad en su funcionamiento.
- Compliance with local safety regulations related to the machinery, products and staff operating the roaster Potential to update parameters in response to new regulations in the future
- Maintenance and repair protocol. Immediate availability of standard parts that affect machine safety. Maintenance time minimised Maintenance time minimised Downtime for maintenance: 30 minutes every 24-hour period of continuous operation.
- Quick and easy access to clean the roaster and replace worn parts.
- Temperature and air pressure sensors installed in roaster heat sources and air ducts, to control roaster heat balance and prevent overheating and heat venting.
- Automated fire prevention systems, water injectors and burner operation monitoring.
- Energy-saving devices including hot air recirculation, use of renewable energy sources, low-emission mixed electronic burners, catalysts and cleaning procedures using closed-loop water systems
Processing Specialistfor premium Coffee and Cocoa
Coffee roasters
"INNOVA" range: Roasters for natural coffee
Advanced technology, flexible, robust and reliable

INNOVA Range: roduction capacity of 600–3,000 kg coffee per hour
Roasters for traditional and special green coffee beans of regular or irregular sizes, particularly suitable for roasting mixtures or blends. Roasting by the natural method, with no additives.
Production capacity of 600–3,000 kg coffee per hour, depending on roast parameters.
Technical Characteristics
- Capacity of 150–600 kg coffee per cycle Roasting drum
- 600–3,000 kg coffee roasted per hour
- Furnace with electronic progressive gas or diesel burner; low emissions
- Covered or open circular cooler with dual aspiration system
- Chaff collector
- PLC control panel and SIEMENS/AB colour touch screen
- Optional green coffee preheating system
- Optional smoke afterburner with or without catalyst
Capacidad por tostado | Tiempo por ciclo | |
TNA-150 / INNOVA | 60-150 Kg por ciclo | 8 - 20 minutos |
TNA-300 / INNOVA | 150-300 Kg por ciclo | 8 - 20 minutos |
TNA-600 / INNOVA | 300-600 Kg por ciclo | 8 - 20 minutos |
Coffee is roasted in a roasting drum perforated only in the rear section, to ensure effective air flow. Roasting capacity is 600–3,000 kg coffee per hour.
INNOVA machinery is customisable, so can be adapted to product and environmental characteristics and the space available for each project.
INNOVA roasters can operate at half or full nominal load, at the same roasting temperature and producing the same roast profile. To achieve this, the PLC allows unlimited roast profiles that are automatically adjusted so they can be replicated exactly from one cycle to the next.
Heat is mainly transferred by convection, although there is also some conduction. Convection allows quicker and more homogeneous roasts, and develops larger beans.
The INNOVA range has been designed for multiple purposes, allowing roast profiles from espresso to instant coffee, and enabling a high level of refinement. Due to this functional flexibility, INNOVA roasters are adaptable enough to allow roasts of various sizes and characteristics in the same roasting cycle (blends).
El tiempo de tostado de los tostadores gama INNOVA es de entre 8 a 20 minutos. Los tuestes cortos potencian la acidez del grano de café, mientras que los tiempos largos de tueste potencian el cuerpo del grano de café. Todos los tostadores admiten media carga o carga completa nominal, y el PLC corrige los tiempos y temperaturas de modo a homogeneizar los resultados de los perfiles de tueste.
- Homogeneous colour thanks to the method of heating the coffee bean, which is mainly convection (heat transfer from hot air) with some conduction (heat transfer from the roasting drum)
- Carbon steel or food grade stainless steel roasting drum with a variety of mixing paddles available in customised materials. Coffee moved evenly and carefully in the roasting drum to prevent damage to the bean. There are no perforations in the cylindrical part of the roasting drum, just the base, to facilitate air flow through the coffee beans. The roasting drum is double-walled, creating an insulating air chamber that minimises heat transfer by conduction.
- Completely retractable roasting drum door with easy mechanical operation, enabling full access to the roasting drum within a few minutes to facilitate maintenance.
- Degrees of roast, from light to dark, with the same capacity per cycle.
- Short and long roast times, with the same capacity per cycle.
- Weight loss depends on the moisture level in the green coffee bean, and can be compensated by the quenching system at the end of the roasting process.
- Rapid and careful cooling to prevent damage to the coffee bean
- Roasting and cooling cycles are synchronised and occur simultaneously
- Roasters equipped with evacuation cyclones for the chaff, which can be collected or burnt
The INNOVA range is the best solution for flexible, high-quality batches and large volumes. Robust design and manufacture for functionality and reliability of use. The INNOVA range can process any roast profile.
All components of the INNOVA range roasters are controlled by PLC, with SIEMENS or ROCKWELL HMI and local area network or internet PC SCADA for remote access. User interface which is easy to use, accessible and customisable at all times.
There is no limit to the number of recipes that can be stored by the control system, so the roasting process can be adapted to the various roasting profiles required by the production program
INNOVA range software includes a product traceability system, which enables batch numbers and process quality to be managed.
Temperature curves and process parameters are visualised and stored in each roasting cycle.
Los equipos garantizan un alto grado de rendimiento y seguridad en su funcionamiento.
- Compliance with local safety regulations related to the machinery, products and staff operating the roaster Potential to update parameters in response to new regulations in the future
- Maintenance and repair protocol. Immediate availability of standard parts that affect machine safety; easy and economical maintenance.
- Quick and easy access to clean the roaster and replace worn parts.
- Temperature and air pressure sensors installed in roaster heat sources and air ducts, to control roaster heat balance and prevent overheating and heat venting.
- Automated fire prevention systems, water injectors and burner operation monitoring.
- Energy-saving devices installed include hot air recirculation, preheating green coffee, use of renewable energy sources, low-emission mixed electronic burners, catalysts and cleaning procedures using closed-loop water systems.
Processing Specialistfor premium Coffee and Cocoa
Coffee roasters
"COFFEETEC" range: Industrial roasters for premium coffee
State-of-the-art technology, highest requirements

COFFEETEC Range: Production capacity of 1,500–4,000 kg coffee per hour
COFFEETEC roasters are designed for roasting traditional and special green coffee beans of regular or irregular size, especially for fast and extremely precise roasting. Roasting by the natural method, with no additives.
Production capacity of 1,500–4,000 kg coffee per hour, depending on roast parameters.
Technical Characteristics
- Capacity of 300–720 kg coffee per cycle Roasting drum
- 1,500–4,000 kg coffee roasted per hour
- Furnace with electronic progressive gas or diesel burner; low emissions
- Covered circular cooler with dual aspiration system
- Chaff collector
- Dual PLC control panels and SIEMENS/AB colour HMI Green coffee preheating system
- Green coffee preheating system
- Smoke afterburner with or without catalyst
Capacidad por tostado | Tiempo por ciclo | |
TNA-1500 / COFFEETEC | 150-300 Kg por ciclo | 8 - 20 minutos |
TNA-2000 / COFFEETEC | 200-400 Kg por ciclo | 8 - 20 minutos |
TNA-3000 / COFFEETEC | 300-600 Kg por ciclo | 8 - 20 minutos |
TNA-4000 / COFFEETEC | 330-660 Kg por ciclo | 8 - 20 minutos |
Premium range of roasters for natural coffee, guaranteeing the highest quality standards achievable today with respect to manufacturing, hourly production capacity and operational performance.
Coffee is roasted in a double-walled roasting drum perforated only in the rear section to ensure effective air flow. Roasting capacity of 1,500–4,000 kg coffee per hour.
COFFEETEC range configuration should be customised, as this range tends to be used to produce a specific range of products. The objective is to achieve the highest quality possible in the required product, with the maximum possible returns.
COFFEETEC roasters can operate at half or full nominal load, at the same roasting temperature and producing the same roast profile. To achieve this, the PLC allows unlimited roast profiles that are automatically adjusted so they can be replicated exactly from one cycle to the next.
Heat is mainly transferred by convection, although there is also some conduction. Convection, and short roast times, allows quicker and more homogeneous roasts, and develops larger beans.
The COFFEETEC range has been designed for specialisation: each roaster is customised for the particular coffee to be produced, allowing roast profiles from espresso to instant coffee for maximum returns. Machinery manufactured to the most rigorous standards to meet extremely strict technical requirements and enable large production capacities.
Roast time in COFFEETEC range roasters is 7–15 minutes. Short roast times accentuate acidity in the coffee bean, and longer roasts promote body. All roasters in the range can operate at half or full nominal load, and the PLC adjusts times and temperatures for a consistent roast profile.
- Homogeneous colour thanks to the method of heating the coffee bean, which is mainly convection (heat transfer from hot air) with some conduction (heat transfer from the roasting drum)
- Carbon steel or food grade stainless steel roasting drum with a variety of mixing paddles available in customised materials. Coffee moved evenly and carefully in the roasting drum to prevent damage to the bean. There are no perforations in the cylindrical part of the roasting drum, just the base, to facilitate air flow through the coffee beans. The roasting drum is double-walled, creating an insulating air chamber that minimises heat transfer by conduction.
- Completely retractable roasting drum door with easy mechanical operation, enabling full access to the roasting drum within a few minutes to facilitate maintenance.
- Degrees of roast, from light to dark, with the same capacity per cycle.
- Short and long roast times, with the same capacity per cycle.
- Weight loss depends on the moisture level in the green coffee bean, and can be compensated by the quenching system at the end of the roasting process.
- Rapid and careful cooling to prevent damage to the coffee bean Covered cooler.
- Roasting and cooling cycles are synchronised and occur simultaneously
- Roasters are equipped with green coffee preheaters, hot air recirculation, electronic burners, dual PLC and smoke afterburners with catalysts.
The COFFEETEC range is the best solution for specialised batches of the highest quality. The design, development and manufacture of the COFFEETEC range roasters comply with the most stringent standards that can currently be achieved.
All components of the COFFEETEC range roasters are controlled by dual PLC, with SIEMENS or ROCKWELL HMI with synchronised backup systems and local network or internet PC SCADA for remote access. Comprehensive user interface which is programmable, remotely accessible and customisable at all times
There is no limit to the number of recipes that can be stored by the control system, so the roasting process can be adapted to the various roasting profiles required by the production program
COFFEETEC range software includes a product traceability system, which enables batch numbers and process quality to be managed.
Temperature curves and process parameters are visualised and stored in each roasting cycle.
Los equipos garantizan el grado máximo de rendimiento y seguridad en su funcionamiento
- Compliance with local safety regulations related to the machinery, products and staff operating the roaster Potential to update parameters in response to new regulations in the future
- Maintenance and repair protocol. Immediate availability of standard parts that affect machine safety. Maintenance time minimised Maintenance time minimised Downtime for maintenance: 30 minutes every 24-hour period of continuous operation.
- Quick and easy access to clean the roaster and replace worn parts.
- Temperature and air pressure sensors installed in roaster heat sources and air ducts, to control roaster heat balance and prevent overheating and heat venting.
- Automated fire prevention systems, water injectors and burner operation monitoring.
- Energy-saving devices including hot air recirculation, preheating green coffee, use of renewable energy sources, low-emission mixed electronic burners, catalysts and cleaning procedures using closed-loop water systems.
Processing Specialistfor premium Coffee and Cocoa
CAPS Range
Coffee roasters
"CAPS" range: Roasters for natural coffee
High precision roasting machines for small quantities of coffee (capsules and laboratory roasting)

CAPS Range: Production capacity
of 20–80 kg coffee per hour
CAPS series roasters are especially designed and manufactured to roast high-quality coffee for capsules and single servings, and for laboratory use.
This model is a replica of the high-end industrial roasters: the roast and usage profiles of the CAPS series are perfectly compatible. Can be controlled by SCADA systems.
TecCopy torrefaction system: the roaster follows an ideal torrefaction curve, which enables roasting parameters to be reproduced exactly, regardless of the ambient conditions of roaster or product.
Technical Characteristics
- Stainless steel hopper with a matt finish; automatic product release
- Unperforated double-walled cylindrical torrefaction drum with air chamber for roasting by convection Absorption for expansion
- Perforated lower plate to facilitate the flow of hot air
- Automatic temperature regulation via two sensors situated in front and inside the roaster furnace (double safety)
- Exhaust interior made of fire-resistant materials: refractory cement, and ceramic fibre protected by layers of stainless steel
- The collector gathers the skins that peel off during the coffee roasting cycle. Easy access for cleaning Easy access for cleaning
- Quenching system using steam to replenish moisture before exiting Preserves aroma
- Connection to a modem that allows remote control
Capacidad por tostado | Tiempo por ciclo | |
TNA-10/CAPS | 5-10 Kg por ciclo | 10- 20 minutos |
TNA-22/CAPS | 12-22 Kg por ciclo | 10- 20 minutos |
Los tostadores vienen equipados con PC industriales SIEMENS o ALLEN BRADLEY, juntamente con pantalla táctil color SIEMENS o ALLEN BRADLEY. Todos los equipos pueden ser conectados a un sistema SCADA (opcional) + control remoto por Internet
Processing Specialistfor premium Coffee and Cocoa
Coffee roasters
Complete range: For mixed productions
Premium roasters for mixed sugar coated and natural coffee productions

COMPLET Range: Roasting capacity of 600–1,500 kg coffee per hour
A range of specialised roasters for torrefacto and natural coffee, with twin roasting drums: one for natural coffee, and the other for torrefacto. During the torrefacto process, green coffee beans are roasted with sugar, and sometimes other additives. No sugar or additives are used in the production of natural coffee.
Natural coffee is roasted in a roaster exclusively designed for this type of coffee, based on TECAIRE TNA INNOVA model technology.
Torrefacto coffee is roasted in a drum with swinging motion and unperforated sides to ensure effective air flow and airtightness during product processing. The roaster components and drum are manufactured from food grade stainless steel.
TTA Series/COMPLET range roasters are equipped with two independent coolers: one for natural coffee and the other for torrefacto.
Roasting capacity of 600–1,500 kg coffee per hour.
TTA Series/COMPLET roasters can operate at half or full nominal load, at the same roasting temperature and producing the same roast profile. To achieve this, the PLC allows unlimited roast profiles that are automatically adjusted so they can be replicated exactly from one cycle to the next.
Heat is mainly transmitted by convection during operating stages where no sugar is present, and by conduction when sugar is added.
TTA Series/COMPLET equipment operates at sugar levels of up to 30% in standard configuration.
Technical Characteristics
- Capacity of 120–300 kg coffee per cycle Twin drum roasters: one for natural coffee and the other for torrefacto
- 420–1,700 kg torrefacto coffee roasted per hour
- Furnace with electronic progressive gas or diesel burner; low emissions
- Cylinder cooler with chaff-removing agitator paddles
- Circular cooler for torrefacto coffee
- Chaff collector
- PLC control panel and SIEMENS/AB colour touch screen
- Smoke afterburner with or without catalyst
Capacidad por tostado | Tiempo por ciclo | |
TTA-600 / COMPLET | 60-120 Kg por ciclo | 12 - 20 minutos |
TTA-1500 / COMPLET | 150-300 Kg por ciclo | 12 - 20 minutos |
La gama TTA Series / COMPLET está pensada para el tueste de café “torrefacto” y también de café natural, con varios porcentajes de azúcar añadido, y la posibilidad de añadir otros aditivos. El café se procesa mediante dos tambores de tueste, uno para café natural y otro para café torrefacto.
Roast time in TTA Series/COMPLET range roasters is 12–20 minutes Short roast times accentuate acidity in the coffee bean, and longer roasts promote body. The level of sugar added affects roast time: higher levels of added sugar require a longer roast. All roasters in the range can operate at half or full nominal load, and the PLC adjusts times and temperatures for a consistent roast profile.
- Homogeneous colour thanks to the method of heating the coffee bean, which is mainly convection (heat transfer from hot air) with some conduction (heat transfer from the roasting drum) for a natural roast, and mainly conduction for torrefacto coffee.
- The two roasting drums are manufactured from carbon steel or food grade stainless steel, with a variety of mixing paddles, in customised materials, available. Coffee moved evenly and carefully in the roasting drums to prevent damage to the bean. The roasting drum used for natural coffee is an unperforated cylinder and for torrefacto, a hemispherical shape, which keeps all the ingredients that make up the torrefacto coffee inside the drum.
- A door in the roasting drum is opened to empty the natural coffee into the natural coffee cooler
- Product is transferred into the torrefacto coffee cooler by tilting the drum towards the cooler
- The door in the torrefacto coffee roasting drum can be opened at any stage of the roasting process to add ingredients and verify the production process
- Degrees of roast, from light to dark, with the same capacity per cycle.
- Degrees of roast, from light to dark, with the same capacity per cycle
- Weight loss from natural coffee depends on the moisture level in the green coffee bean, and can be compensated by the quenching system at the end of the roasting process
- Practically negligible weight loss from torrefacto coffee, which can be compensated by the quenching system at the end of the roasting process
- Rapid and careful cooling to prevent damage to the coffee bean Coolers for both natural and torrefacto coffee are manufactured from stainless steel
- Roasting and cooling cycles are synchronised and occur simultaneously
- Roasters are equipped with solid particle evacuation cyclones for the coffee cooler, hot air recirculation, electronic burners, and smoke afterburners with catalysts, for both the roaster and the cooler
The TTA Series/COMPLET range is the best solution for high-quality mixed natural and torrefacto coffee batches and flexibility throughout the whole process The design, development and manufacture of the TTA SERIES/COMPLET range meet the most stringent robustness and reliability standards. They are the best solution when a single roaster is required for any type of coffee available on the market, providing practical and extremely functional solutions
All components of the TTA SERIES/COMPLET range are controlled by PLC, with SIEMENS or ROCKWELL HMI and local area or internet PC SCADA for remote access Comprehensive user interface which is programmable, remotely accessible and customisable at all times
There is no limit to the number of recipes that can be stored by the control system, so the roasting process can be adapted to the various roasting profiles required by the production program
TTA SERIES/COMPLET range software includes a product traceability system, which enables batch numbers and process quality to be managed.
Temperature curves and process parameters are visualised and stored in each roasting cycle
Los equipos garantizan el grado máximo de rendimiento y seguridad en su funcionamiento.
- Compliance with local safety regulations related to the machinery, products and staff operating the roaster Potential to update parameters in response to new regulations in the future
- Maintenance and repair protocol. Immediate availability of standard parts that affect machine safety. Maintenance time minimised Maintenance time minimised Downtime for maintenance: 30 minutes every 24-hour period of continuous operation.
- Quick and easy access to clean the roaster and replace worn parts.
- Temperature and air pressure sensors installed in roaster heat sources and air ducts, to control roaster heat balance and prevent overheating and heat venting.
- Automated fire prevention systems, water injectors and burner operation monitoring.
- Energy-saving devices including hot air recirculation, use of renewable energy sources, low-emission mixed electronic burners, catalysts and cleaning procedures using closed-loop water systems
Processing Specialistfor premium Coffee and Cocoa
Coccoa Processing
BEANS Range:Roasting whole cocoa beans

BEANS Range: Capacity of 60–500 kg cocoa beans per cycle
Dual chamber roasting drum up to 120–2,000 kg cocoa beans roasted per hour
Technical Characteristics
- Capacity of 60–500 kg cocoa beans per cycle
- Dual chamber roasting drum
- 120–2,000 kg cocoa beans roasted per hour
- Furnace with electronic progressive gas or diesel burners; low-emissions
- Cocoa bean hopper above the roaster
- Cyclone to collect solid cocoa particles.
- Control panel with PLC and SIEMENS/AB colour screen
- Afterburners with or without catalysts
- Nibs protected by the shell -> Excellent flavour in the resulting liquor
- Alkalisation of the cocoa mass only (mixture)
- Prolonged contact between the shell and cocoa nib (contamination)
- Sterilisation of the cocoa mass only (mixture)
- Small and medium batches
Capacidad por ciclo | Tiempo de tueste | |
JCP 60 BEANS | 60 Kg | 20 - 30 minutos |
JCP 150 BEANS | 60 - 150 Kg | 20 - 30 minutos |
JCP 300 BEANS | 150 - 300 Kg | 20 - 30 minutos |
JCP 500 BEANS | 300 - 500 Kg | 20 - 30 minutos |
Processing Specialistfor premium Coffee and Cocoa
Coffee grinders
Discand cylinders grinders for coffee
Coffee grinders are the essential tool for transforming roasted coffee beans into ground coffee for subsequent storage and packaging in this format. At TecAIRE we have different types and sizes of industrial coffee grinders. These offer different degrees of grinding according to the needs and requirements of our customers. The quality and precision of the grind is crucial to produce high quality coffee. Some of the main features of our grinders are:

- Discs & cylinders for coffee.
- Capacity of 200–2,000 kg per hour
- Effective system of cooling during grinding
- Adjustable grind texture from filter to Turkish
- Continuous and consistent operation
Disc Grinders: S Range
Smaller capacity grinders
Performance, reliability and grind capacity
S-13 and S-16 disc coffee grinders have been specifically designed for medium-sized and large batches, and for continuous operation, where reliability, robustness and consistency of grind quality are essential.
Models S-13 and S-16 have been designed to grind natural and torrefacto coffee, allowing unique flexibility for any style of roast.
Technical Characteristics S Range
- Special grinding motors to ensure grind uniformity
- Discs cooled by high airflow fan
- Grind texture adjusted by progressive and continuous mechanical action
- High quality, durable discs that wear evenly, allowing consistent and uniform grind quality
- Grinding discs can be sharpened 2–3 times
- Easy accessibility for cleaning and maintenance
- Low-noise operation
- Energy-efficient
- Compact design with no installation required
Capacidad por tostado | Diámetro de discos | |
S-13 | Hasta 300 Kg/hora | 200 milímetros |
S-16 | Hasta 500 Kg/hora | 260 milímetros |
Cylinders: Tec Roll I Range
Specific grinders for large productions
Type i hydraulic roller grinder
Three or four grinding stages Rollers operated by independent hydraulic motors
Hydraulic circuit designed to allow adjustment of roller speed, speed ratio for each pair of rollers and even spin direction One single air circuit with hydraulic pump and heat exchanger Hydraulic circuit allows elasticity at high pressures, preventing blockages and damage to mechanical grinder components.
Technical Characteristics Tec Roll I Range
- Independent external constant temperature water cooling system.
- Mechanical or electronic control of roller separation
- Pneumatic cushioning system that allows pressure to be adjusted during operation
- Safe start even when grinder contains coffee, due to pneumatic roller position adjustment
- Adjustable dosing system
- Product temperature control
Capacidad por tostado | Diámetro de discos | |
Tec-roll 403I | Hasta 400 Kg/hora | 200 milímetros |
Tec-roll 803I | Hasta 800 Kg/hora | 200 milímetros |
Tec-roll 1004I | Hasta 1.000 Kg/hora | 200 milímetros |
Cylinders: Tec Roll Y Range
Specific grinders for large productions
Two + two grinding stages Type Y hydraulic roller grinder
Four grinding stages Rollers operated by independent hydraulic motors
Hydraulic circuit designed to allow adjustment of roller speed, speed ratio for each pair of rollers and even spin direction One single air circuit with hydraulic pump and heat exchanger Hydraulic circuit allows elasticity at high pressures, preventing blockages and damage to mechanical grinder components.
Technical Characteristics Tec Roll Y Range
- Independent external constant temperature water cooling system.
- Mechanical or electronic control of roller separation
- Pneumatic cushioning system that allows pressure to be adjusted during operation
- Safe start even when grinder contains coffee, due to pneumatic roller position adjustment
- Adjustable dosing system
- Product temperature control
Capacidad por tostado | Diámetro de discos | |
Tec-roll 1004Y | Hasta 1.000 Kg/hora | 200 milímetros |
Tec-roll 2004Y | Hasta 2.000 Kg/hora | 260 milímetros |
Processing Specialistfor premium Coffee and Cocoa
Green Coffe Silos
Reception cleaning and ensilage for green coffee
Green coffee silos are storage containers designed to store and protect raw coffee beans before processing. Therefore, they are essential to ensure the freshness and quality of coffee, and their use is common in the coffee industry worldwide. These represent the first phase of the installation. These silos have the following characteristics:

- Delivery of green coffee in bulk, big bag and standard bag formats.
- Pneumatic and mechanical conveyors
- Cube-shaped or octagonal silos
- 4–500 tonne capacity
- High-capacity volumetric and densimetric cleaning system
- Feed to roasting section by origin or blend
- PLC control panel and SIEMENS/AB colour touch screen
Roasted Coffee Silos
Silage systems for roasted coffee
Roasting silos are containers designed to store and preserve freshly roasted coffee. They also ensure that the coffee retains its aroma and flavour, as well as protecting it from moisture, light and oxidation. Consequently, they also help to maintain the hygiene and quality of the coffee by preventing contamination by dust and other pollutants. These have the following characteristics:

- Delivery of roasted coffee from roaster reception
- Coffee cleaned by negative pressure
- Cube-shaped or octagonal silos
- Degassing roasted coffee for natural or torrefacto coffee
- Mixing system to blend origins
- Feed to grinding or packaging section.
- PLC control panel and SIEMENS/AB colour touch screen
Ground coffee silos
Reception, ensilage and degassing of ground coffee
Ground coffee silos are airtight, dust-proof containers designed to store and preserve ground coffee safely and efficiently. In addition, its main function is to keep the coffee fresh and protect it from light, air and humidity, the three factors that contribute to the loss of aroma and flavour of coffee. These silos have the following characteristics:

- Coffee delivered from ground coffee section
- Pneumatic or mechanical feed to silos
- Natural and homogeneous coffee degassing, without forced movement inside the silo (first in, first out)
- Cube-shaped silos to homogenise coffee density
- Feed to packaging section by pneumatic or mechanical conveyors
- PLC control panel and SIEMENS/AB colour touch screen
Processing Specialistfor premium Coffee and Cocoa
NIBS Range
Coccoa Processing
NIBS Range: Roasts cocoa nibs (chopped cocoa beans)

NIBS Range: 1,000–3,000 Kg cocoa nibs per roasting cycle
2,000–6,000 kg cocoa nibs roasted per hour.
Technical Characteristics
- Capacity of 1,000–3,000 kg cocoa nibs per roasting cycle.
- Single-chamber roasting drum.
- 2,000–6,000 kg cocoa nibs roasted per hour.
- Furnace with electronic progressive gas or diesel burners. Low emissions and 20% reduction in energy costs.
- Suitable for pre-roast alkalisation.
- Cyclone to collect solid cocoa particles.
- Control panel with PLC and SIEMENS/AB HMI.
- Afterburners with or without catalysts for environmental control.
- More effective heat transfer; shells not roasted
- Potential for appropriate alkalisation in the roaster
- Brief contact between cocoa nibs and shell (contamination)
- More effective sterilisation
Capacidad por ciclo | Tiempo de tueste | |
JCP 1000 NIBS | 2.000 Kg | 30- 60 minutos |
JCP 3000 NIBS | 3.000 Kg | 30- 60 minutos |